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Texas drivers’ poor ranking sparks safety initiative

On Behalf of | Nov 3, 2023 | Firm News

The Lone Star State has had an unenviable streak of daily auto crash fatalities going back years. Another report emphasizes the challenges people face as the state was ranked as having the worst drivers in the nation.

People who take to the roads should know why this is the case and take precautions. If they are unfortunate enough to be in a collision, they should consider how they will address the litany of challenges that come up after a car crash.

Drivers ranked poorly due to multiple factors

In the report, Texas has a poor record for driving behavior. The researchers focused on six areas that contribute to car accidents. They include: drivers not adhering to traffic laws; checking their cellphone; driving the wrong way on the road; driving while drowsy; distracted driving; and driving under the influence.

These behaviors are known contributing factors to accidents with severe injuries and death. Some are obvious, but others do not garner as much attention as they should. Drowsy driving can have the same impact on a driver’s reaction time and judgment as drunk driving. In many instances, people do not even realize they are too tired to be on the road. This is common among those who work unusual hours or are on the road for extended periods in one sitting.

To address this problem, AAA Texas and the Insurance Council of Texas initiated a campaign for safety called “Survive the Drive.” Some of the tips it provided encourage drivers to put their phone out of their line of sight so they are not tempted to pick it up; to have the GPS programmed beforehand; to avoid alcohol and other intoxicating substances; and to stay within the speed limit.

After an auto accident, many problems may arise

Even if drivers take the rankings and the safety initiative to heart, it will not eliminate auto accidents in the state. Being injured or losing a loved one will result in massive medical expenses, questions about how to make ends meet, worries about the future and how to make a full physical and emotional recovery. Gathering evidence from the accident, assessing the injuries and the long-term prognosis is key with effectively moving forward.