The police may conduct a traffic stop after having reasonable suspicion that a driver is drunk or violating other traffic laws. Some examples of reasonable suspicion include a driver who’s on the center line, a driver who just ran a stop sight on a red light or a...
The hidden costs of a DUI in Texas
Most of us recognize that getting arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) can lead to certain consequences – such as jail time and being prohibited from driving for a time. But you may be unaware of the financial toll such a conviction can take on you. In...
Could you face charges for being drunk on a horse?
Like most people, you probably don’t think of a horse as a vehicle. It’s certainly a helpful animal and does assist you in getting from one place to another, but it’s not really the same as a motor vehicle. Interestingly, you could potentially get a DWI, but most...
What crimes could make you lose your teaching license in Texas?
To be a schoolteacher in Texas, you must be certified by the state. The Legislature determines the standards that teachers must meet to be certified. Among other things, people with certain crimes on their records cannot be certified. If a certified teacher is...
Suing for damages from a DUI? You may have more options than you think.
If you or a loved one suffers an injury in a drunk driving crash, you may have many options for recovering financial damages. You may already know that you can seek compensation from the impaired driver who caused the crash. But did you also know that there may be...
Even those with a 0.00 BAC may be arrested for DWI in Texas
If you ask virtually anyone about what it takes to be arrested for drunk driving, most people would tell you that it would be necessary to have a blood alcohol content (BAC) at or above the legal limit of .08 percent. However, under Texas law, this is only one way...