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How physical health can affect brain injury recovery

On Behalf of | Feb 10, 2022 | Brain Injuries

When you get into your car in the morning, getting to work is probably the main thing on your mind. Driving is such a common conveyance, we don’t give much thought to what’s actually involved – and the risks we take every day by getting behind the wheel. We often see catastrophic accidents on the freeway, but we rarely register these images as a real possibility in our own lives.

Nonetheless, accidents can happen to any of us – and the results can be devastating. You could sustain physical trauma – like broken bones or whiplash. Or if you’re very unlucky, you could experience damage to your brain.

Impaired cognition is a terrifying thought for most of us. It’s a possibility we’d rather not consider. After all, worrying about hypothetical misfortune is a waste of time. However, you may be interested to learn that there are steps you can take to bolster your brain’s resilience in the event of a tragic accident.

The role of diet and exercise in brain healing

Research shows that your level of physical health prior to a brain injury can have a positive effect on your brain’s ability to recover. If you eat a low-fat, low-sugar diet and you exercise regularly, your brain will regenerate more quickly and more completely in the event of trauma.

Conversely, if you consume a high-sugar, high-fat diet and don’t exercise, your brain’s recovery from injury will be lethargic and fragmented. This is because this type of diet and lifestyle actually make your brain more likely to degenerate after trauma and never recover. This increases your chances of suffering severe disabilities following a brain injury.

You can’t control everything in your environment – and you can’t guarantee that you’ll never be in an accident. However, taking care of yourself now can benefit you later, if unexpected tragedy strikes.